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最近一直在忙著Cradle to Cradle的案子,沒什麼時間寫部落格。



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最近一直在看國外兩個知名的環境新聞媒體,TreehuggerInhabitate,加上又看了Green Collar Economy這本書,心裡有些感觸。

Green Collar Economy的作者Van Jones是個黑人公民律師,書中將人們與關心環保問題劃分為四個象限,縱軸上到下是富裕到貧窮,橫軸左到右是問題到解決方案:


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之後寫成了《年輕世代的希望之國》:「用磅礡史詩重現霧社事件 魏德聖要拍出台灣人驕傲的電影」


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Sun Chairs are So Solar

by Bonnie Alter, London on 07.14.08

Science & Technology (solar)

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People I recently talked to are usually aware that I've been so fascinated by the software iTunes. I searched programs on iTunes and downloaded them to the iPod. I got a wide range of tastes. From news media like BBC and the Economist to the lectures and speeches delivered in Harvard, Duke, MIT, Standford, Open University and so on. I also try to teach myself a bit German and Italian. I really have a good time with my iPod and quite attached to it.

There is something I'd like to introduce to you which I found during my exploration of iTunes. I found some Western people who live in Taiwan submitting contents onto iTunes. Probably it might also interest some of you. For example, "Big in Taiwan" is produced by Matt Hooper. He documented quite some big events occurring or occurred in Taiwan. The protest against the previous president, the fireworks in Taipei 101 and the Ghost Festival. Just to name some.

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Eco-Towns: Three Models of Green Urban Planning

by Lloyd Alter, Toronto on 07.14.08

Design & Architecture

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